College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Welcome to the page of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. Our mission is to prepare leaders in the different branches of Social Sciences and Humanities, with an education based on Liberal Arts.



Graduate Degrees

We offer high-level programs that expand knowledge and skills through research and innovation, guaranteeing professional solvency and maximizing the graduate’s profile.

About Us

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities forms the basis of the mission of USFQ and, as such, it fulfills a double function within the university. As a backbone of the educational philosophy of the institution, it offers a variety of courses that are part of the General College, open to all university students.

The college offers degrees in International Relations, Psychology, Education, and Liberal Arts, as well as various subspecializations.

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities educates free individuals, researchers and capable professionals, with an ethical and critical attitude towards their environment, through interdisciplinary training.

We promote research in the social sciences and humanities. Our purpose is to be a model of university education, and to lead academic research in the fields of social sciences and humanities.


Academic staff
Director of the Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language
Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Academic Affairs
Galileo Building, G-305A
Latest events

Research Institutes

The Institute of Service-Learning-USFQ (IAS-USFQ) is dedicated to researching the impact of the Service-Learning (S-L) methodology in various educational contexts, from higher education to the school level. Our mission includes promoting S-L in Ecuador and seeks to form international partnerships…

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Inequalities (IASI) is an interdisciplinary academic unit, coordinated by the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. It will be dedicated to academic and applied research, as well as social research training in critical studies…


En este enlace encontrarás noticias, eventos y actividades del Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

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